29 abr 2007

Qué le cambiaría a su vida?

Estas son algunas de las fotos que hacen parte Shanghai living de Hu Yang, un proyecto fotográfico que es en este momento una muestra microscópica, casi de cualquier parte del mundo. Hay tres preguntas que están respondiendo los fotografiados: ¿le gusta su vida? ¿Qué le cambiaría? ¿Qué le gusta hacer? Lo interesante después de ver las fotos (mejor agrandarlas) y leer las respuestas, es sacar sus propias conclusiones...

Yao Ada (Shanghainese Retired Worker)
I hope the government would soon pull down this house, and give me better apartment.

Chen Bisheng (Shanghainese, Retired Worker)
I felt restless after my retirement and I don't have any hobbies to kill time. I don't know how to play cards, chess or mah-jongg, and I don't want to learn. Then I start this barber business and provide cheap services for my neighbors. Meanwhile, I can earn some money for cigarettes and tea. When the government has this building pulled down and people here removed, I will quit this job and find another one to kill time. I don't have dreams, I just want to get along with life.

Chen Mengjia (Shanghai, Corporate Chairman)
I have many hobbies and a rich life. I play golf, swim, go to concerts, have coffee and chat with my friends and go traveling. I dream to have a manor and a horse. I enjoy riding horses and having a carefree life. Human relations are too complicated in China and I'm stressed. It's tiring to have your own company.

Chen Baowen (Shanghainese, Board Director)
I'm a self-supporting egoist. I have beautiful dreams and I like travelling around the world. I'm happy about my present life and want to find my Mr. Right. And I don't have pains.

Peng Kaiqing (Shanghainese, Retired Worker)
Tao Yulan (Shanghainese Retired Worker)Every morning we go to a park and do some exercises and then come back and do some housework. Our children are having a good life. We hope the government would soon pull down this house in disrepair and spend our late years in a new apartment.

LI You (Shanghai, Corporate Staff)
I work in a foreign company. The daily work is full of stress and business. After work, I come back home and want to do nothing at all. I may spend two hours in the bathtub for relaxation, or watch a movie. I am also a part-time Internet writer.

Wei Yu Fang (Shandong, Vendor)
We have miserable life. Battercake and salted vegetable for every meal, accompanied by plain water. When the kids cry for meat dishes, I just cook an egg. As long as it is not rainy, I go out and do my business 15 or 16 hours a day, getting up very early and back home very late. I hope the kids can be good at their study. Even with debts, I will send them to college, no as illiterate as I am. My oldest son works very hard and always brings back awards every semester, which makes my so happy. Some evil people often spite me on my fruit stall, and it makes me really sad.

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